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Interpretation of the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Green and Intelligent Development of Inland River Ships": Prioritize the development of green power technology and accelerate the research and development and application of intelligent technology

Release time:2024-09-03click:0
Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the Ministry of Transport jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Green and Intelligent Development of Inland River Ships" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Opinions"). In order to facilitate the understanding of the "Implementation Opinions" and carry out the implementation work, the relevant contents are now interpreted as follows.
 Background on the preparation of the "Implementation Opinions"
Inland river ships are ships that sail in my country’s inland waters and river-sea junction areas. They mainly include passenger ships, cargo ships, engineering ships, etc. They have comparative advantages such as large transportation capacity, low energy consumption, and low cost. They are the equipment of my country’s shipbuilding industry. important part of the system. In recent years, my country's large-scale and standardized development of inland waterways has achieved positive results, but there is still a gap between green and intelligent aspects such as green and low-carbon development of the economy and society and the people's needs for a better life. In order to thoroughly implement the major strategic deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, fully implement the relevant requirements for the ecological priority green development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and accelerate the green and intelligent development of inland river ships, according to the national "14th Five-Year Plan" for the shipbuilding industry, transportation According to the planning requirements, five departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly formulated and released the "Implementation Opinions" on the basis of in-depth investigation and research and extensive listening to opinions.
During the preparation of the "Implementation Opinions", the following four aspects were considered: First, highlight key points and clarify industry orientation. Using LNG power and battery power as the main line to promote the green upgrade of inland river ships; taking safety and environmental protection needs as the traction, accelerating the research and development and application of intelligent technology; taking standardization, digitalization and scale as the guide, improving the design, construction and supporting industry chain of inland river ships level. The second is to create benchmarks and innovate development models. With leading enterprises as the core, we will form an industrial alliance to promote the joint participation of upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain, and create a new model of sustainable business development with co-construction, shared responsibility and sharing as the core. The third is to establish first and then break, and advance actively and steadily. Create a good industrial environment that promotes the development of green and intelligent ships, accelerate the improvement of supporting infrastructure and policy systems, study policy support for green and intelligent ships, and guide old inland river ships to be scrapped and replaced in advance. Fourth, pilot projects should be implemented first to consolidate local responsibilities. Strengthen the main responsibilities of local governments, carry out pilot trials in key places with conditions and foundations, and form a replicable, popularizable and sustainable new model of inland green smart ship operation and development, and gradually promote it across the country.
Overall requirements of the "Implementation Opinions"
(1) The guiding ideology of the "Implementation Opinions" . Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and all 19th Plenary Sessions, based on the new development stage, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement new development concepts, and integrate and serve new development pattern, coordinate development and safety, be guided by the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, be oriented by promoting the green, intelligent, and standardized development of inland river ships, focus on the development of new energy and clean energy-powered ships, and strengthen industrial chain coordination , select typical scenarios to carry out demonstration applications according to local conditions, promote market-oriented operations, industrial integration, and large-scale applications, achieve commercial sustainability, accelerate the green and intelligent transformation and high-quality development of inland watercraft, and provide strong support for the construction of a manufacturing, shipbuilding, and transportation power. support.
 (2) Basic principles of the "Implementation Opinions". First, adhere to policy guidance, strengthen coordination and linkage between departments, localities, and enterprises, and jointly implement policies on both supply and demand sides to stimulate the vitality of market entities. The second is to adhere to green intelligence, develop green shipbuilding, green ships, and green shipping, promote the empowerment of new generation information technology, and improve the level of safe and green development. The third is to adhere to the innovation drive, to gather advantageous resources in the industrial chain, promote technological innovation, management innovation and business model innovation, and improve the quality and efficiency of development. The fourth is to insist on demonstration and promotion,support representative areas in the inland river basins to conduct pilot trials, summarize typical experiences and practices, and promote them steadily.
 (3) The development goals of the "Implementation Opinions". By 2025, breakthroughs will be made in key green power technologies such as liquefied natural gas (LNG), batteries, methanol, and hydrogen fuel, the level of intelligent ship equipment technology will be significantly improved, and a green intelligent standard specification system for inland river ships will be basically formed. Cultivate a number of influential green and intelligent inland river ship design, construction, supporting and operating enterprises, create a number of standardized and serialized ship types that meet the needs of different scenarios, and implement them in representative areas such as the Yangtze River, Xijiang River, Beijing-Hangzhou Canal and Minjiang River Demonstration and application, forming experience that can be replicated and promoted, and initially building an industrial ecology of sound and sustainable development. The green, intelligent, and standardized development of inland river ships has achieved remarkable results, and a relatively complete industrial and supply chain has been established.
By 2030, green and intelligent technology for inland river ships will be fully promoted and applied, supporting infrastructure, operation management, and business models.The industrial ecology of shipbuilding and other industries will be more complete, standardized and serialized green and intelligent ship types will be built in batches, the level of the industrial chain and supply chain will be greatly improved, and a modern industrial system for inland river ships will be initially established.
 Key tasks of "Implementation Opinions"
The "Implementation Opinions" put forward four key tasks around the development goals.
 (1) Prioritize the development of green power technology. First, actively and steadily develop LNG-powered ships, focusing on promoting the application of LNG power technology in medium and long-distance cargo ships and engineering ships with a deadweight of more than 2,000 tons along the coast, the Yangtze River trunk line, the Xijiang trunk line, the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, etc. . The second is to accelerate the development of battery-powered ships. Focus on promoting the application of pure battery power technology in short- and medium-distance inland river freight ships, riverside cruise ships and ships in the Kuhu area, and carry out research and application of standardized box-type power supply replacement technology. The third is to promote the application of methanol, hydrogen and other power technologies. Promote the application of methanol power technology in cargo ships and explore the application of hydrogen fuel cell power technology in passenger ships.
 (2) Accelerate the research and development and application of intelligent technology. First, accelerate the application of advanced and applicable safety and environmentally friendly intelligent technologies, reduce ship safety risks and crew labor intensity, improve ship energy efficiency and reduce pollution emissions, and accelerate the research and development and application of relevant intelligent system equipment. The second is to promote the research and development and application of a new generation of intelligent navigation ship technology. Carry out research on a new ship navigation model of "shore-based driving and control, ship-end watch" based on 5G network, and study the advantages of good navigation order and moderate ship traffic density. The backbone branch route section took the lead in carrying out pilot demonstrations of remote driving system technology and exploring the development of autonomous navigation ships.
 (3) Improve the level of green intelligent ship industry. First, strengthen the standardized design of green smart ships, improve the level of ship design, form a technical pedigree and equipment list, and create a series of standardized ship products that meet the needs of different application scenarios. The second is to promote the transformation and upgrading of inland river ship manufacturing. Accelerate the adjustment of industrial structure, optimize the layout of the inland river ship manufacturing industry, cultivate a number of key inland river ship manufacturing enterprises, and vigorously promote standardization, intensification, green and intelligent production. The third is to build a new industrial chain for green and smart ships,encourage the formation of industrial alliances, create collaborative innovation platforms, promote the clustered development of upstream and downstream supporting industries around the inland ship assembly and construction base, cultivate advantageous enterprises in the ship supporting industry chain, and form A group of specialized and innovative “little giant” enterprises.
 (4) Establish and improve the green intelligent ship industry ecosystem. First, improve the supporting facilities for green and smart ship operations, accelerate the construction of new energy and clean energy supply facilities, innovate the construction and operation models of supporting facilities, and improve the comprehensive service level of supporting facilities. The second is to promote the innovation of green and smart ship business models, support the in-depth participation of key supporting companies such as cargo owners, ports, energy companies, financial institutions, and power batteries, and explore ship leasing, facility sharing, ship power separation, and intelligent transportation. A new model of benefit sharing among other sectors. The third is to strengthen and improve ship operation management. Study and formulate a catalog of green and intelligent inland river ships, study and implement the energy efficiency design index (EEDI) access system for new domestic inland river ships, establish an energy efficiency labeling system for existing inland river ships, and encourage Establish an exit mechanism for existing fuel-powered ships in areas where conditions permit. The fourth is to strengthen safety and quality management. Improve safety and quality technical standards for green smart ships and key equipment, strengthen ship inspection management, and inland waterway ship manufacturing, shipping and supporting infrastructure operating companies must strengthen quality and safety risk management. .
 "Implementation Opinions" Safeguard Measures
In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the main goals and key tasks, the "Implementation Opinions" proposes measures in four aspects. The first is to encourage pioneering and piloting, and encourage key places with conditions to pioneer and pilot, and form a new model of green intelligent ship operation and development in inland rivers that is replicable, popularizable and sustainable. The second is to strengthen policy support. Support the R&D application and industrialization and large-scale development of green smart ships, give full play to the role of the national industry-finance cooperation platform, reasonably reduce comprehensive financing costs, and encourage local governments to increase policy support. The third is to establish an evaluation mechanism, mobilize the enthusiasm of industry associations, professional institutions, industry alliances, etc., organize and conduct timely evaluations of policy implementation and pilot trials in key areas, and promote mature practices and successful experiences. Fourth is to promote implementation in a coordinated manner,strengthen the linkage between departments, localities, and enterprises to form policy synergy and clarifyWork objectives, detailed division of tasks, and implementation of work measures.

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