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Shandong Province issued the "Action Plan to Strengthen the Province with Advanced Manufacturing (2022-2025)"

Release time:2024-09-02click:0
Recently, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government issued the "Action Plan to Strengthen the Province with Advanced Manufacturing (2022-2025)", requiring departments and units at all levels to conscientiously implement it.
The full text of the "Action Plan to Strengthen the Province with Advanced Manufacturing (2022-2025)" is as follows:
In order to deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics Socialist thought, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on the strategy of building a strong country, firmly anchor on “walking ahead and opening a new game”, and accelerate the development of a modern industrial system dominated by new driving forces. In an effort to provide solid support for the construction of a modern and powerful socialist province in the new era, the following plans have been formulated.
 1. Overall Goal
Adhere to the "345" policy of "overcoming three difficulties, optimizing four industries, and promoting five modernizations" "Advance ideas, speed up the solution to the problems of weak innovation capabilities, heavy industrial structure, and tight resource factors, and make greater efforts to transfer and optimize inefficient production capacity, transform and upgrade traditional industries, cultivate and strengthen emerging industries, and proactively layout future industries, and fully promote the manufacturing industry High-end, intelligent, green, service-oriented and ecological development. Strive to achieve a ratio of about 30% of the province's GDP in the added value of manufacturing by 2025, a profit margin of operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size of about 6%, and a proportion of research and experimental development (R&D) expenditures in operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size. The output value of high-tech industries accounts for about 50% of the total industrial output value above designated size, the added value of core digital economy industries accounts for about 10% of the province's GDP, and the energy consumption per unit of industrial added value is about 17% lower than in 2020. Promote the manufacturing industry to achieve effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity, and initially build a strong province in advanced manufacturing.
 2. Promote the upgrading of high-end manufacturing industry
  (1) Enhance industrial innovation capabilities. Facing the basic and cutting-edge fields of manufacturing, strengthen the construction of common industrial technology platforms, actively strive to create national-level innovation carriers, and promote the integration and gathering of innovative resources. Implement the tiered cultivation of technology-based enterprises and create a tiered cultivation system for technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, high-tech enterprises, and technology-leading enterprises. Support leading technology companies to take the lead in forming innovation consortiums and increase the coverage of R&D institutions in large and medium-sized enterprises. Focusing on basic parts, basic components, basic materials, basic software, basic processes and industrial technology foundations, we will compile a catalog of basic innovation and development of industries in the province, and through "unveiling the list and taking charge""Horse racing" and other methods will deepen the joint research of industry, academia and research, and focus on breakthroughs in a number of important basic products and key core technologies. Improve the government's first purchase and first use, insurance compensation and other mechanisms, and promote the demonstration and application of the first equipment (set), the first batch of materials, and the first version of software. We strive to build around 50 provincial manufacturing innovation centers and around 2,000 "one enterprise, one technology" R&D centers by 2025.
(2) Improve the level of industrial structure. Accelerate the transfer and optimization of inefficient production capacity, continue to carry out in-depth special actions for the transformation and upgrading of safety production in the chemical industry, and further promote the high-quality development of high-energy-consuming industries such as steel, refining, coke, cement, tires, and chemicals. Consolidate the leading position in advantageous industries, focus on key industries such as textiles and clothing, food, papermaking, chemicals, building materials, steel, and non-ferrous metals, implement higher-level "10,000 technological reforms and 10,000 enterprise transformations" on a rolling basis, and support the creation of "three products" in the consumer goods industry Strategic model city. Promote the development of strategic emerging industry integration clusters, focus on new generation information technology, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment, green environmental protection and other fields, create new technology application scenarios, build a new industry development ecology, and strive to build support Create a new pillar for a strong province. Actively plan for future industries, insist on aiming at cutting-edge and key breakthroughs, focusing on life sciences, quantum information, genetic technology, future networks, deep sea and aerospace development, hydrogen energy and energy storage, etc., strive to create future technology application scenarios, and accelerate innovation and breakthroughs and convergence applications.
(3) Build and strengthen the industrial talent team. Implement the integration of the four chains of "talent chain, education chain, industrial chain, and innovation chain" and coordinate the construction of talent teams such as entrepreneurs, management talents, technological innovation talents, outstanding engineers, and highly skilled talents. Deeply implement the Taishan Talent Project and accelerate the cultivation of talents urgently needed for the development of agglomeration industries. Strengthen the carrier of industrial talent, innovate and cultivate talent-led enterprises, and accelerate the construction of public training bases for the manufacturing industry. Vigorously implement the collectivization of vocational education and actively promote the training model of skilled talents integrating work and study. Implement the action to improve the quality of entrepreneurs, carry out all-round, multi-level, high-level entrepreneur training, implement a "mentor system" for cultivating young entrepreneurs, and regularly select and commend outstanding entrepreneurs in accordance with relevant regulations.
 3. Accelerate the intelligent transformation of the manufacturing industry
 (4) Build new infrastructure. Build a modern new information infrastructure system, optimize layout, structure, functions and system integration, accelerate the large-scale deployment and application of 5G, gigabit optical networks, data centers, etc., and improve the layout of deterministic network construction. Build a national integrated data center mountainEast Industrial Cloud System, accelerate the construction of secondary nodes for identification analysis and super nodes of Jinan's "Spark·Chain Network", and actively exert the agglomeration and radiation effect of Jinan and Qingdao's national Internet backbone direct connection points. Promote the implementation of classified and hierarchical management of enterprise network security, strengthen classified and hierarchical protection of data security, guide enterprises to implement network security and data security main responsibilities, and strengthen manufacturing network and data security.
(5) Deepen digital empowerment and increase efficiency. Promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, implement digital transformation actions in the manufacturing industry, strengthen the team of third-party service providers, provide system solutions under one enterprise and one policy, and create a number of "small lighthouse" enterprises for digital transformation that can be replicated and promoted. Strive to transform and transform more than 20,000 industrial enterprises above designated size within three years. Guided by accelerating the construction of the Shandong Peninsula Industrial Internet Demonstration Zone, we will continue to implement the "Ten Hundreds" Industrial Internet Platform Cultivation Project. We will solidly carry out the "Cloud Travel Qilu·Working Shandong" campaign, continue to organize 10,000 digital specialists into enterprises, and promote the integration and application of industrial Internet in key industries. Accelerate the quality and upgrading of intelligent manufacturing, carry out intelligent manufacturing maturity assessment, and cultivate more than 100 intelligent factories (digital workshops, intelligent manufacturing scenarios) every year. Carry out the digital economy "Hundred Cities Join Hands for Ten Thousand Projects" campaign and promote the implementation of more than 10,000 digital economy projects. We strive to achieve around 45% of manufacturing enterprises above designated size applying the industrial Internet by 2025, and the province’s integration index of informatization and informatization will rank among the top three in the country.
(6) Optimize and enhance the digital industry. Enhance the core competitiveness of the electronic information manufacturing industry, promote the high-quality development of integrated circuits, ultra-high-definition video, smart sensors, virtual reality and other industries, and create an internationally competitive digital industry cluster. Expand and improve the high-end software industry, cultivate more than 100 provincial-level software engineering technology centers, create more than 100 famous Lu version software products, and support the construction of famous software cities in Jinan and Qingdao. Efforts should be made to cultivate and develop the big data industry and accelerate the development of a digital economy with data as a key element.
 4. Support the green transformation of the manufacturing industry
  (7) Build a green manufacturing system. Focus on greening the entire life cycle of products, vigorously develop green products with characteristics such as energy saving, environmental protection, harmlessness, high reliability, long life, and recyclability, and improve the quality of green product supply. Build high-quality green factories, promote enterprises to accelerate the elimination of inefficient equipment and replace high-efficiency equipment, and accelerate the improvement of energy resource utilization efficiency. Continue to build green industrial parks, promote cascade utilization of energy, comprehensive utilization of waste, efficient recycling of water resources, and accelerate the construction of new energysource system and circular economy industry chain. Accelerate the establishment of green supply chains and encourage industry leading companies to build green supply chain management systems with data support, network sharing, and intelligent collaboration. Strive to build 500 green factories and 20 green parks at the provincial level and above by 2025, and develop more than 500 green design products.
(8) Vigorously promote energy conservation and carbon reduction. Strengthen the implementation and application of "three lines and one single", conscientiously implement the "four distinctions" and "five reductions and substitutions" requirements, conduct list-based tracking and supervision of the "two high" industries, resolutely curb the blind development of "two high" projects, and promote the industrial structure Adjust and optimize. Implement the carbon peak action in the industrial sector step by step, refine specific plans for key industries such as non-ferrous metals, building materials, steel, petrochemicals and chemicals, and accelerate the research, development, promotion and application of advanced energy-saving and carbon-reducing technologies in the fields of carbon capture, carbon storage, and carbon recycling. Promote clean and low-carbon transformation in the industrial sector. Implement the "Leader" action in energy efficiency and water efficiency, expand the proportion of new energy and renewable energy use in the manufacturing sector, promote the application of new water-saving technologies, new equipment, and new products by enterprises, and strengthen water-saving supervision and inspection of high-water-consuming enterprises. Vigorously develop green buildings, promote prefabricated buildings and building photovoltaic integration technology, promote the application of green building materials, and improve building energy efficiency.
(9) Improve unit output efficiency. Carry out in-depth evaluation reform of "yield per mu", dynamically optimize the evaluation indicator system and evaluation methods, strengthen classification, sub-region, and sub-industry evaluation, and promote the coverage of all enterprises that should participate in the evaluation. The government should better play its role, promote the optimal allocation of resources, and guide the transformation and upgrading of low-end, low-quality and low-efficiency enterprises.
 5. Encourage the extension of service-oriented manufacturing
 (10) Promote the development of service-oriented manufacturing. Actively develop large-volume personalized customization, promote parts standardization, accessories refinement, component modularization and product personalized reorganization, and enhance customized design and flexible manufacturing capabilities. For key links such as casting, printing and dyeing, and molds, we will lay out and build a number of regional shared manufacturing platforms, centrally configure production equipment with strong versatility and high acquisition costs, and build shared factories that provide flexible services such as time-sharing, piece-rate, and value-based pricing. Cultivate and develop a number of service-oriented manufacturing solution providers and consulting service institutions, and promote the construction of a number of service-oriented manufacturing demonstration enterprises, platforms and projects.
(11) Develop producer services. Promote the deep integration of modern service industry with advanced manufacturing industry, focusing on the development of research and development, modern logistics and supply chain management, energy conservation and environmental protection services, inspection, testing and certification services, full life cycle management, e-commerce, general integration and general contracting, productive financial services, etc. Strengthen the construction of industrial design platforms, actively cultivate industrial design research institutes and industrial design centers, develop platform-based and virtualized design tools, carry out the "Industrial Design into Hundreds of Enterprises" and "Industrial Design Small and Medium Enterprises Tour" activities, and support the holding of the World Industrial Design Conference. Support qualified industrial heritage and enterprises, parks, bases, etc. to explore historical and cultural heritage, and develop tourism products that integrate production display, sightseeing experience, and education and science popularization.
(12) Jointly build and share the "Good Shandong" brand. In-depth implementation of quality improvement actions will promote manufacturing products to "increase variety, improve quality, and create brands." Promote the pilot work of national standardization innovation and development, establish an incentive mechanism for advanced standards cultivation, guide enterprises to strengthen the research and development of basic industrial standards, and actively cultivate provincial technical standards innovation centers. Implement a century-old brand enterprise cultivation project, improve the "Good Shandong" institutional system and standard system, upgrade traditional bulk consumption, cultivate and expand new consumption, promote more Shandong-made products to integrate into the dual cycle and open up new markets.
 6. Promote the ecological agglomeration of the manufacturing industry
 (13) Gradient cultivation of high-quality enterprises. Actively build a gradient cultivation pattern for high-quality enterprises and form a cultivation system covering innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises, specialized and special new "little giant" enterprises, individual manufacturing champion enterprises, and industry chain leading enterprises. Accelerate the construction of a number of world-class enterprises with excellent products, outstanding brands, leading innovation and modern governance. Guide large enterprises to open innovation resource elements and share production capacity resources to small and medium-sized enterprises, and strive to form a collaborative, efficient, integrated, and smooth integrated innovation ecosystem for large and medium-sized enterprises. We strive to cultivate around 10,000 specialized, new, small and medium-sized enterprises in the province by 2025, and around 1,000 individual champion companies in the manufacturing industry.
(14) Make every effort to strengthen the industrial chain. Solidly implement the landmark industrial chain breakthrough project, accurately sort out the industrial chain map, create a group of "chain owner" enterprises with strong integration capabilities and driving effects, actively cultivate high-quality industrial chain development promotion institutions, and accelerate the strengthening of a number of modern advantageous industrial chains . Provinces, cities and counties have integrated to strengthen project planning for building, repairing, and extending chains, increasing investment in the industrial chain, and implementing full life cycle tracking services to form a system of "complete a batch of projects, start a batch of projects, reserve a batch, and plan a batch" Advance the pattern. We will carry out in-depth actions to integrate and consolidate chains, promote the deep integration of small and medium-sized enterprises into the industrial and supply chains of large enterprises, and accelerate the improvement of the resilience of the industrial and supply chains.level of safety and security. By 2025, we will strive to cultivate about 200 industrial ecology-leading "chain master" enterprises and create about 11 iconic industrial chains with important influence at home and abroad.
(15) Actively cultivate industrial clusters. We will carry out in-depth actions to break through the centralized breakthroughs in wild goose-shaped industrial clusters, solidly implement strategic emerging industry cluster development projects, effectively strengthen the cultivation of advanced manufacturing clusters, and actively recommend the creation of national-level clusters for clusters with significant development results. Continue to cultivate characteristic industrial clusters with outstanding main businesses, obvious advantages, complete public service facilities, and strong market competitiveness. Actively strive to create a national high-quality manufacturing development pilot zone. We strive to have about 200 provincial-level flying-geese industrial clusters, more than 50 strategic emerging industry clusters, about 20 advanced manufacturing clusters, and about 120 characteristic industry clusters by 2025.
(16) Focus on building industrial parks. Comprehensively implement the ecological protection and high-quality development strategy of the Yellow River Basin, deepen the docking cooperation with major strategies such as the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, jointly build a number of industrial cooperation parks, and optimize major productivity layout. Deepen the reform of the development zone's institutional mechanisms and accelerate the establishment of a more streamlined and efficient management system. Support industrial parks to further clarify the positioning of industrial development, make leading industries bigger and stronger, drive the coordinated development of related industries, and form characteristic industries with each own advantages.
(17) Smooth the industrial economic cycle. Optimize the supply structure of the manufacturing industry, comprehensively improve services and integrate into the new development pattern, and serve the construction of a unified national market. Seize the opportunity of restructuring the international industrial chain after the epidemic, speed up the filling of shortcomings in areas related to the safe development of industries, and enhance the ability to ensure the supply of strategic resources. Support complete machine companies in the province to strengthen the research and development and application of safe and reliable technologies and products based on actual market needs, and form an industrial development pattern in which independent innovation and promotion and application mutually support and promote each other. Support various types of enterprises to integrate into the “Belt and Road” construction, and support qualified manufacturing enterprises to “go global”. Build an information platform to “buy globally, sell globally” and strengthen diversified supply of resources, technology, products and services and international production capacity cooperation. Strengthen the construction of industrial alliances, use market-oriented mechanisms to gather resources, deepen industry exchanges and cooperation, promote key common technology research and industrialization, jointly maintain the safety and stability of the industrial chain and supply chain, and strive to create an independent, controllable, safe and reliable industrial chain and supply chain.
 7. Safeguard measures
 (18) Strengthen organizational leadership. The Provincial Leading Group for the Construction of a Strong Manufacturing Province plays a coordinating role, and relevant provincial departmentsEach door performs its duties. The main responsible comrades of the party committees and governments at the city and county levels have taken the lead in research and deployment and taken the lead in promoting implementation. Adhere to the orientation of building a strong province with advanced manufacturing, take maintaining a basically stable proportion of the manufacturing industry as a long-term development goal, carefully formulate mission statements and roadmaps, strive to form a goal system that combines long and short term, and promote rolling advancement, and improve the indicator system and dynamics of high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. monitoring mechanism.
 (19) Create a good environment. Improve the policy and institutional system and strengthen legal protection in aspects such as property rights protection, investment financing, and fair competition. Promote state-owned enterprises to accelerate their development to become stronger, better and bigger, and support private enterprises to focus on innovation and creation. Strengthen support for the use of foreign investment in the manufacturing industry and guide more foreign investment into advanced manufacturing fields. Effectively strengthen the construction of industry associations, chambers of commerce, etc. Promote the spirit of scientists, entrepreneurship and craftsmanship to provide high-quality resources and strong driving force for the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. We will do a good job in news publicity, expert interpretation and special training, and strive to create a good atmosphere that values ​​and supports the development of the manufacturing industry. Support enterprises to participate in the formulation and revision of industrial policies, unblock and standardize participation channels and mechanisms, and fully absorb enterprises, industry associations, chambers of commerce, etc. to participate in the evaluation of policy implementation effects.
(20) Ensure the supply of factors. Improve the "factors follow the project" mechanism, improve total factor productivity, and promote indicators such as land use, energy consumption, and coal consumption to tilt more toward advanced manufacturing. Optimize the trading mechanisms for energy rights and water rights, promote emission rights trading pilots, and give priority to ensuring the indicators required for the construction of major advanced manufacturing projects. Optimize energy security, establish and improve the upstream and downstream price linkage mechanism of natural gas, improve the ability to ensure emergency supply of refined oil, and ensure the balance between supply and demand of electricity and coal. Promote the market circulation of data elements, build and improve data trading platforms, and implement a data (product) registration system. Explore and coordinate the development of multi-modal transport organization models such as iron and water, road and rail, and air and rail, and explore the "one-order system" pilot to smooth logistics channels and reduce logistics costs.
(21) Strengthen fiscal, taxation and financial support. We will implement the national tax rebate and fee reduction policies to effectively reduce the tax burden on enterprises. Give full play to the guiding and leveraging role of new and old kinetic energy conversion funds to drive social capital to increase investment in advanced manufacturing. Financial institutions are encouraged to actively and steadily develop supply chain finance, green finance, intellectual property pledge financing, investment-loan linkage, financial leasing and other businesses for advanced manufacturing. Strengthen basic work for small and medium-sized enterprises, expand the scale of first-time loan cultivation, medium and long-term loans, renewal loans without principal repayment and credit loan business, and improve the financing guarantee, emergency on-lending and credit enhancement and insurance systems. Strengthen the construction of a comprehensive financial service platform for regional equity markets and guide and support direct financing for qualified advanced manufacturing enterprises. Implement fiscal incentive policies to strengthen industrial counties.
(22) Strict safety management. In-depth implementation of safe production&ldquo"Three Managements and Three Musts" requirements guide and urge manufacturing enterprises to strengthen safety management. Give full play to the guiding role of development planning and industrial policies, promote the standardization of safety production standards in key industries, guide enterprises to increase investment in safety technology transformation, and use advanced technology and equipment to reduce safety Risks and eliminate accident hazards

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